Short Name: NotifyResult
Definition: Mandatory final instruction. Define what will be displayed
Usage: notifyResult(object) or notifyResult(object,object) or notifyResult(object,object,object)
- Signals the program the indicator calculation is over and pass the results to be displayed
- All parameters have to be arrays of values for indicators, or array of indexes for Triggers
- Does not return anything
- You can pass 1 or 2 or 3 arrays to be displayed
- In the case of Triggers, the first parameters is an array of “Buy” indexes, the second an array of “Sell” indexes.
- notifyResult(RSI(14)) will display the RSI curve
- notifyResult(array1,array2,array3) will display three curves with values from array1, array2 and array3
- 4% enveloppe:
- exp21 = expAvg(21)
- exp21Minus = exp21 * 0.96
- exp21Plus = exp21 * 1.04
- notifyResult(exp21,exp21Minus,exp21Plus)