Short Name: lowestLow
Definition: Mobile array of lowest low values over num periods
Usage: lowestLow(num) or lowestLow(array,num)
- Retrieve the lowest low values over the last num periods.
- Returns an array of values.
- The first value in the array, at position 0, is the lowest low for the num previous days, the next one, the lowest of low values for day-1 to day-num-1, and so on...
- Usual value for period is 20
- lowestLow(14) is equivalent to lowestLow(low,14)
- lowestLow(close,20) returns a mobile array with the lowest close values over 20 days
- Williams %R indicator:
- lesClose = close
- lesHighest = highestHigh(14)
- lesLowest = lowestLow(14)
- Williams = (lesClose - lesHighest) / (lesHighest - lesLowest) * 100
- notifyresult(Williams)