Short Name: Var
Definition: Returns a specific value from an array
Usage: var(array,index)
- Returns the specific value corresponding to the index in an array
- Returns a scalar value
- This is a very useful instruction as it avoids useless calculations in a loop. Var just read a specific value from an array pre-stored in memory
- In a for loop, if you pass var(array,0), it will return the value corresponding to the current loop index. var(array,1) is the day before current.
- OBV:
- leVol = reverse(volume)
- leClose = reverse(close)
- leClose1 = shiftedRight(leClose,1)
- test = leClose < leClose1
- accumulate(obv0,0)
- for(0,histoRange)
- if(var(test,0)) then
- dummyPlus = var(leVol,0) + var(obv0,0)
- accumulate(obv0,dummyPlus)
- else
- dummyMoins = 0 - var(leVol,0) + var(obv0,0)
- accumulate(obv0,dummyMoins)
- endif
- endfor
- notifyresult(reverse(obv0))